Self-Description ( English Task )

Hello!, My Name is Rifqi Sulthan Ikbari, 21 y.o, studying at Gunadarma University.
Iam Partial Colour Blind guy who Passioning with Graphic Design & Photography.

Currently I am living in Depok,West Java and looking forward to start working with people that could being a place to share my passion.

Iam the man who take a full-time Chilling and part-time Freelancer. Highly motivated about Minimal Deisgn, Minimal Photograph and Minimal Style.

I love travelling, music and photography. sometimes those are could be one of great thing to be merged. yup, i mean when i go to someplace as a travelling destination. i can bring guitar and camera for making a great moment.

I have a great sense of humour. An easy going person & don’t get easily disturbed by down’s in my life. I also enjoy playing music, playing pingpong and having great intellectual conversations!

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